I won’t go back to school; kids laughed at my shoe

addy, I told you before that I won’t go to school because my shoes are worn out and I can feel ground temperatures as I walk.

Monday, April 28, 2008

addy, I told you before that I won’t go to school because my shoes are worn out and I can feel ground temperatures as I walk.

You insisted and told me to go back to school. But this was after promising me that you will buy me new ones, a thing you have not done up to today.

Daddy do you know what? Yesterday while I was greeting my long time friends who had gone for holidays in Burundi, a stubborn young boy from P.4 saw the hole in my shoe.

Instead of keeping quite, he called other children and they laughed at me. I tried to run a way but it could not help.

I felt bad and hid my self in the school latrine and cried. Ever since I started school, this was the worst moment I experienced.

Daddy you can’t believe that almost every one has a new pair of shoe and a new bag. It is only me who has old things in the school.

Daddy I know you have not yet bought for me the shoes you told me and because of that I won’t go to school tomorrow.

I will wait until you buy me another pair of shoe. I fear children to shout at me like the other day on Monday.

When I go back with a nice pair of shoe, the children will not laugh at me.

So daddy, mean while I am waiting for my new pair of shoes before I go back to school, thank you very much.
