Taxis operators, wake up and make money

  Dear editor, It is really disturbing to find that at exactly 7; 00 pm, a person can’t access any taxis from the taxis park of Kigali, a city with a growing reputation of increased business and social activities.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dear editor,

It is really disturbing to find that at exactly 7; 00 pm, a person can’t access any taxis from the taxis park of Kigali, a city with a growing reputation of increased business and social activities.

My humble appeal goes to our taxi operators not to be satisfied with the little they have, but to push on and work until late at night. They should also wake up as early as 5:00 am and start working. Money makers do not just relax and expect to get a lot at the end of the day. Your service to us will indirectly benefit you, the business people.