Eating right to stop bloating

THERE is no bad feeling like when a person feels bloated. I have had this feeling many times and I can tell you it is a bad thing to go through. Bloating is usually brought about by so many little factors, and unfortunately most people go through this often, but have very little idea about what to do when they are feeling bloated.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

THERE is no bad feeling like when a person feels bloated. I have had this feeling many times and I can tell you it is a bad thing to go through. Bloating is usually brought about by so many little factors, and unfortunately most people go through this often, but have very little idea about what to do when they are feeling bloated.I have had this problem for a while until I complained to my Indian friend, who told me that every morning before I go for a shower I should take a glass of hot water mixed with honey, that this will help with the bloating and constipation, it has worked but with every effort to avoid things that make me bloat and eating right.First things first- eat fiber. Fiber helps everything move through the intestines more quickly, which prevents bloating and eventually constipation. Starting your morning with breakfast which includes cereals packed with fiber is the best of all. Weetabix or cornflakes is ideal for breakfast. For the lovers of bread, avoid white bread-brown bread is the best.Many people think that a tea break at 10am simply means tea/coffee and bread. But a bowl of fruits at ten is ideal to help with the bowel movements.Coffee, tea, bottled juice, and alcohol are all high-acid beverages that can irritate your gastrointestinal tract, causing swelling; avoid these and reduce your chances of feeling bloated.When eating lunch, make sure your plate is full of vegetables. Over cooked vegetables don’t help much, opt for steamed ones instead. When eating, it is also advised to do so more slowly; one small cause of bloating could be that you’re swallowing too much air when you’re swallowing down your meals; this is why some of us get the hiccups when eating too quickly. Slow down when you eat and really chew your food, some people do more of swallowing instead of chewing; this is another big contributor of bloating. Also make sure to drink plenty of water at least eight glasses in a day.There are some other bad habits that most of us have; chewing gum is one of them. When you chew gum, you swallow air. All that air gets trapped in your gut and causes pressure, and eventually you bloat.For home remedy, one could try drinking chamomile or peppermint tea. It might not be your usual cup of tea, but these two drinks are very good for the digestive system and can help to ease that bloat feeling.