Amahoro Film Festival begins on Sunday

The premiere for Amahoro Film Festival (AFF) will be held in Rubavu District, Sunday, April 22.

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Eduard Bamporiki

The premiere for Amahoro Film Festival (AFF) will be held in Rubavu District, Sunday, April 22. From the Western Province, the festival will be taken to other parts of the country, with its grand screening at Kigali Serena Hotel, on April 29. The opening night will feature various short films that reflect on the effects of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and on how peace can be restored in the country, among other initiatives. At the news conference, the founder and president of the AFF, movie star Edouard Bamporiki, acknowledged the dark days Rwandans went through during the Genocide that claimed over a million people. But he said the festival will bring happiness during its eight-day run. Various films will be showcased by independent filmmakers from all over the country."The initiative to start Amahoro film festival was developed after I attended various film festivals, such as Cannes International Film Festival, Heartland Film Festival, and many more in Africa, and realised that those filmmakers craved to come to Rwanda,” said Bamporiki."While I was returning to Rwanda, I reminded myself how we missed peace during the 100 days of the Genocide, and that inspired me to start a film festival that would promote the culture of peace during the 100 days of the commemoration.” "I met young peacemakers in the country and asked them to help start Amahoro film festival,” he added. Big names from the film industry might be present but the aim of the festival, Bamporiki said, is to promote peace in the country and help the Genocide survivors recover from the wounds.The organisers consider themselves on a mission. Bamporiki said: "I really feel like I’m in service to the independent film community. In Rwanda there’s not a lot of support for the arts. That’s what I am trying to provide support.”All told, only short films are expected in the competition and some common themes have been detected. "This year, the focus is on short films only, and the selected films must reflect a broad understanding of peace and unity. After each screening, there will be debates as people will be discussing the importance of peace in our society. Only one movie will be awarded at the grand night – Kigali Serena Hotel,” said Bamporiki.He said the reason this annual film festival is set during the Genocide commemoration period was because it is the appropriate time to remind Rwandans about the causes of the Genocide, its effects and how it can be prevented from happening again in the country. "I think it’s very important because the films will remind us the bad history of our country, and the need to restore peace to build a better country. During the festival, we shall be screening powerful stories of Rwandans, also help foreigners to know the reality about Rwanda- through movies,” he said.The Amahoro Film Festival is sponsored by the US Embassy, National Youth Council and Printex Ltd, among other sponsors. Bamporiki is famous in movies such as "Kinyarwanda”, "Long Coat” and Urunana Soap Opera, which raises awareness on Sexual and Reproductive health (SRH).The "Long Coat” star is set to travel to Jamaica for a film festival on April 29 – he is also expected to attend various festivals in the US.