Kagame visits Gatsibo district

President Paul Kagame is today visiting Gatsibo district, Eastern Province, as part of the government’s ‘Citizen Outreach’ programme.

Friday, April 20, 2012

President Paul Kagame is today visiting Gatsibo district, Eastern Province, as part of the government’s ‘Citizen Outreach’ programme.He started the visit by touring development activities in the district, including a banana plantation in Kiziguro, which belongs to a local farmer, Augustine Rukundo.

Rukundo’s farming business, which started small with just 32 banana seedlings and 0.25 hectares, has since grown in leaps and bounds, with the plantation now producing more than 35 tonnes per week, and generating a revenue of up to Rwf1.2 million per month.The President also visited Ndatemwa Rice Processing Factory, which was constructed by the Government in 2010. The plant, which serves Kanyonyomba and Rwagitima-Ntende rice fields, among others, has a processing capacity of 2.5 tonnes per hour.Kagame will later address and interact with the residents of Gatsibo district.

Earlier in the week, the Head of State visited Ruhango district, Southern Province, where he opened a Rwf6 billion cassava processing plant.