If you can’t be macho, at least be masculine

When the almighty creator designed African men, he designed a macho strong man who can hustle to get daily bread for himself and his people! A man who would hear a lion roar and won’t flinch but go forward to meet it, spear in his hand.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Martin Bishop

When the almighty creator designed African men, he designed a macho strong man who can hustle to get daily bread for himself and his people! A man who would hear a lion roar and won’t flinch but go forward to meet it, spear in his hand.He created a man so strong and so full of wisdom and pride—men who were noble, protector, provider and warriors for their families and tribes. Back then, men were truly men and, women truly women.Today it’s so embarrassing that so many African men have been reduced to whimpering sissies. I know a lot has changed since the cave days but since when did we (African men) start loving flowers, watch gossip girls, wail over a sad movie and spend hours admiring ourselves in the mirror? Last Friday, I escorted a colleague to a birthday party, I didn’t ask whose birthday, but I had a feeling it was a lady’s or certainly a youth. To my amazement, it turned out to be for a 39-year-old male! Although there’s nothing wrong with a bloke celebrating his day of birth, I was nauseated when he turned all mellow and sentimental when time to blow the candles came.In a scrawny tiny voice, he thanked us calling us all so ‘sweet for coming to the party. I was tempted to ask if he is gay or something, I was told he is straight like an arrow. Later, I found out he was still staying home with his parents! At 40!It’s really worrying seeing brothers behaving this way, some males simply refuse to grow up and leave their cribs. It’s so embarrassing knowing how many adult males (can’t call them men) that refuse to leave the comfort of their parents home. To be a real man, you do not have to spend countless hours in the gym developing muscles, curse, spit, or be a champion wrestler. For starters, leave your parents home, get your own place, and fold the sleeves of your shirt and start hassling for a living. Remember, there’s a difference between being male and being a man. You don’t have to be ‘macho’ to be a man. Do not be a bossy, male-chauvinist pig but again, avoid being an over-sentimental sissy. Just dress like a man, act like a man and be a man.