I was in a bus sometime heading to town and a lady (elderly let me add) kept staring at me. I’d like to think I looked like a super model and she was probably blown away by my exotic looks but her stare seriously suggested otherwise.
I was in a bus sometime heading to town and a lady (elderly let me add) kept staring at me. I’d like to think I looked like a super model and she was probably blown away by my exotic looks but her stare seriously suggested otherwise.I sat down on the opposite seat and even though I wasn’t looking at her, I could feel her eyes hard on me. I glanced her way and tried to hold her stare but the old woman didn’t budge. Out of fear, I looked away. But the woman kept staring. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I badly wanted to ask her why she was looking at me like that but language barrier wouldn’t let me.So I sat in awkward silence while my tormentor stared on. Getting off the damn bus felt so relieving, I wanted to scream. I still checked myself to see if I had anything strange growing on me like a misplaced eye or ear! Nothing! The woman just had issues.Even though this woman’s particular stare scared the hell out of me, it was not the first time I found someone rudely staring at me or someone I was with. I have noticed that people here stare like a problem. I am sorry but it’s the truth. I know Africans in general stare but the case here is special. So special that they do not care if they have been caught staring.It is a really backward thing to do; not to mention rude. I’m certain this hasn’t happened to just me. Many of my friends complain about the same thing. In fact sometime, we were forced to laugh at a chick who was straining her eyes to stare at us through the window. It was the only thing we could do!At the bank one day, a man stared at me so intensely, it ceased being attraction. So bothered I was by his glare that I chose to come back at a later hour. I occasionally ask people who know me if there is something strange about me. Like is my nose crooked or did someone tattoo something crazy on my forehead while I was unaware? If you are admiring, admire quickly and then go on with your business. If you don’t like what you see – well, save your eyes the trauma and look away. Even better, carry a mirror and stare at yourself. It is that simple. The next person who dares to make me uncomfortable with their stare will see the wrath of the African gods descend. This is not a threat!