Partnerships key to fighting cyber crimes

Editor, Cyber crime rates in East Africa are not as alarming as they are in the rest of the world due to the low internet penetration. However, considering the fact that Rwanda aspires to becoming the ICT hub of the region, it is imperative that the fight against cyber crimes starts now.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Editor,Cyber crime rates in East Africa are not as alarming as they are in the rest of the world due to the low internet penetration. However, considering the fact that Rwanda aspires to becoming the ICT hub of the region, it is imperative that the fight against cyber crimes starts now.Internet is good, but just as anything in life with two sides, there is always a bad side in which the internet can be used. Sooner or later, unscrupulous people might target us and use computers to download dangerous content, hack into company profiles, or worse still government information and use it for all the wrong reasons, including blackmail.In the developed world, cyber crimes are tantamount to long term imprisonments because they understand the kind of trouble it can bring to an individual or an organization.Therefore, before things get worse, mechanisms must be put in place and institutions that fight crime must be equipped with counter-technology, so that when cyber crimes begin to manifest at higher rates, then they can be prevented much easier.Justin RukundoNyagatare