How to eat to lose weight

If you want to lose those pounds, there are particular foods which you should stock up on because they can be your best friends in the war against flab.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If you want to lose those pounds, there are particular foods which you should stock up on because they can be your best friends in the war against flab.Whole grains:  Studies have shown that whole grains are effective in reducing fats, not just at the stomach area, but in the rest of the body. Most of the starchy foods we eat are available as whole grain options. A good example is whole grain bread. Whole grain bread products are widely available and come in different varieties. When choosing whole grain bread, opt for 100% whole wheat or whole grain to get the maximum boost. Eggs: Contrary to popular belief, protein-rich eggs are actually beneficial in trimming the stomach.Beans: These are great for stimulating gastrointestinal tract activity.Low fat dairy products: These help burn unwanted body fats. Even whole milk is relatively low in fat and certainly semi-skimmed milk can be labelled as a low-fat food. Contrary to what most people think, lowering the fat content in milk does not affect the calcium content.Fruits and vegetables: These are healthy and will keep you satisfied while suppressing the urge to eat junk food.Oatmeal: This breakfast option has a lot of added benefits because of its high soluble fibre content.Olive oil: This contains good cholesterol. You can substitute olive oil for butter, margarine or other oils in almost any given recipe. The basic rule of the thumb is use an equal amount of olive oil if the recipe calls for vegetable oil. Lean meat: This is a great source of protein.