What health risks do women incur when they drink too much coffee?

Much has been said about this beverage. Some of coffee’s health benefits include reducing the risk of suffering gout, it lowers uric acid levels easing inflammatory arthritis, reduces the likelihood of getting skin and breast cancer and some researchers believe it  can prevent memory loss in elderly women.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Much has been said about this beverage. Some of coffee’s health benefits include reducing the risk of suffering gout, it lowers uric acid levels easing inflammatory arthritis, reduces the likelihood of getting skin and breast cancer and some researchers believe it  can prevent memory loss in elderly women. However, despite these positives, coffee isnt a harmless drink.Doctors say that the high consumption of coffee may affect women who are pregnant, increasing the risk of miscarriage. Unfiltered coffee contains a substance called cafestol which blocks the receptor in an intestinal crucial for cholesterol regulation leading to an increase in cholesterol. It also disrupts sleep patterns, causes nervousness and anxiety in people who take it in large amounts. It promotes gastro-esophageal reflux which causes heart burn and can also cause bone loss especially in women who don’t consume enough calcium. Coffee can also cause damage to arteries, making them stiff.