How can you keep your braids clean and healthy?

With hours of braiding out of the way, you now need to know how to clean your precious braids correctly. It only takes a few basic hair care steps to keep your hair gleaming. Pam Mukankusi, a renown Kanombe-based hair stylist, shares how to successfully do this.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

With hours of braiding out of the way, you now need to know how to clean your precious braids correctly. It only takes a few basic hair care steps to keep your hair gleaming. Pam Mukankusi, a renown Kanombe-based hair stylist, shares how to successfully do this.Wash it: Clarifying shampoos are your best option for this task. Use a simple clarifying shampoo or a protein enriched one.Tone it: All that means is that you masse your scalp gently. Since you do not want to disturb your braid design, be sure to only use the pads of your fingers. As you massage, follow any pattern that your braid designer created while sectioning your hair. Or, simply work from front to back.Rinse it: A common problem with braided hair is lint in hair. Often mistaken for dandruff or lice, hair lint is a collection of dirt, dust and textile fibers like towels that your braids collects, especially if you use hair products too much and cover your hair too little. A spoonful of apple cider vinegar goes a long way in hair debris removal. Mix it in a ratio of three parts of the vinegar to one part distilled water after you shampoo.Condition it: Using water based conditioner on the hair and an oil-based light moisturiser for your scalp will help keep your hair both healthy and shiny.Groom it: Air dry or use a microfiber towel to pat your hair dry. Do not rub your braids dry because this undue stress to your hair and scalp. If you are not satisfied with your grooming job, then call your braider for a touch up.