Things women do that make men wonder, “why?”

Seriously, sometimes we wish that there was a machine that lets men see what’s going on inside a woman’s brain.  Because that machine hasn’t been invented yet, we are forced to let things go and just scratch our heads in bemusement.  Here are some of the things that confuse us, leaving us grasping at straws.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Patrick Buchana

Seriously, sometimes we wish that there was a machine that lets men see what’s going on inside a woman’s brain.  Because that machine hasn’t been invented yet, we are forced to let things go and just scratch our heads in bemusement.  Here are some of the things that confuse us, leaving us grasping at straws.Why do women opt for Mr. WrongMr. Wrong more often than not hurts her continuously but does she leave him, no.  She stays.  It doesn’t matter that she meets a nice guy, willing to treat her with respect and care, no matter what he does, when Mr. Wrong beckons, she will run back into his arms. Seriously, WHY?Why women keep putting too much makeup when it’s clear that most men prefer a natural beautyIf you take some time and ask a group of men what they feel about women and makeup, you will most likely find out that eighty percent of them prefer the natural look. What’s confusing is that, even when they know this, some women will still dump too much makeup on their face. Why some good looking ‘fish’ for compliments by pretending to think that they are ugly or fatI have found it quite common, in my own experience at least, to hear a gorgeous woman say that she’s fat or ugly just to hear the man say, "no, you’re not. You’re very beautiful and elegant”. Seriously? Do you have to ‘fish’ like that?Why women make men feel like they have a chance when in actual sense they don’tWomen will let a fellow do everything in his power to win her heart, thinking that his advances are welcome. Yet, all the while, the lady knows that he is doing all that in vain. Really?

Why women insist on knowing the truth when they actual know it’s going to hurt themIt’s better to let some things go. But a lot of women will insist in knowing everything even if it leaves them devastated. The truth will set you free, but not all the time.