Market report

Local stocks maintain stability  Activity on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE) was low yesterday compared to the previous day but prices of shares in the two local listed companies, Bralirwa and Bank of Kigali, remained stable.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Local stocks maintain stability Activity on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE) was low yesterday compared to the previous day but prices of shares in the two local listed companies, Bralirwa and Bank of Kigali, remained stable.The market registered a total turn over of Rwf6,640,400 from 48,000 BK shares and 2,000 Bralirwa shares that were traded in eight deals compared to Tuesday’s  trading session which recorded a turnover of Rwf115,384,900 from 148,000 BK shares and 303,300 Bralirwa shares traded in 18 deals. BK shares traded and closed at Rwf125, unchanged from yesterday’s closing price while Bralirwa shares traded at 320 and 321 and closed at Rwf321, and increase of Rwf1. KCB and NMG shares last transacted at Rwf135 and Rwf1,200 respectively. At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 10,000 and 4,000 BK shares at 127 and 126 respectively and no outstanding bid. On the Bralirwa counter, there was an outstanding bid of 268,200 and 2,100 shares at Rwf320 and 321, respectively, and outstanding offers of 10,000 shares at Rwf325.