Teens need to desist from drug abuse

Editor, Eliminating drug abuse should be everybody’s responsibility. The issue of drug abuse seems to be common in schools. Our students, who are tomorrow’s leaders, are among the high risk groups.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Editor,Eliminating drug abuse should be everybody’s responsibility. The issue of drug abuse seems to be common in schools. Our students, who are tomorrow’s leaders, are among the high risk groups. Fighting drug abuse should not be seen as the work of the national police alone but rather the responsibility of everybody in society. I believe, through combined efforts, we can eliminate it before it becomes rampant.We cannot have responsible citizens in the future unless we collectively fight this vice.Teens who abuse drugs every day with no regard to their own health are simply drug addicts. If a teen has a drug addiction problem they will try to find and use it regardless of whether it is legal or not.Some sort of guidance or counselling would be helpful for teens struggling with addiction or those who simply want to know more about it. Parents should talk to their children to refrain from taking drugs because life is meant to be treasured and not to be taken for granted. Eugene MayomboNyamata