Helping your friends in times of need

‘A friend in need, is a friend indeed’ is a popular saying. How many times do you help your friends at school or at home? Helping others is very important in our lives.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Be kind to your friends and play with them if they do not have friends. File photo

‘A friend in need, is a friend indeed’ is a popular saying. How many times do you help your friends at school or at home? Helping others is very important in our lives. It shows that you love and care about them. When someone has a problem, it is good to help him or her, even when you do not know them. There are different ways of helping people or friends in need.Your friend may not have some clothes to wear yet you might have so many in your suitcase and wardrobe. If this is so, then give them some clothes you do not need. Some friends at school do not even come with anything to eat or drink at break time. If you have many snacks in your container, share with them. Also, if you have several toys, and you know a child who does not have a single toy to play with, give them one.Sometimes helping is not about giving out things. You can help a lot by praying with them, encouraging them and playing with them. Sometimes, you can do your homework with them so that you all pass at school. This will make all of you happy.However, remember that you do not have to do wrong things like stealing, disobeying your parents or even refusing to rest because you want to help a friend. At the end of the day, those who help others are always blessed.