Make your Back-to-School shopping list early

“Last term, my son made his back-to-school shopping list at the last minute!” exclaims Doreen, a mother of four. “Not only was it brought to me at the last minute, it was a very long one too!” Several parents are faced with these challenges when it comes to shopping for their children’s new term. However, teens can make the shopping experience easier and look out for the best time and money saving deals.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Shopping is fun. Net photo.

"Last term, my son made his back-to-school shopping list at the last minute!” exclaims Doreen, a mother of four. "Not only was it brought to me at the last minute, it was a very long one too!” Several parents are faced with these challenges when it comes to shopping for their children’s new term. However, teens can make the shopping experience easier and look out for the best time and money saving deals.It’s true that Back-to-School shopping can be costly especially when not properly planned for. However, when done in time, shopping for back-to-school supplies gives you a heads start and a chance to look for bargains.  To get through back-to-school shopping unscathed, a list of essentials is necessary to avoid buying unnecessary items. Starting early also gives you time to peruse items further before purchasing them. Be specific with your list—the type, the quantity, the brand, and even the price, if you can make an estimate. Bring just enough — and a little extra money. Having just the right amount of money prevents you from buying too- expensive items, or things not on your list. However, it also pays to be armed just in case there is a discount that’s hard to ignore. Read the labels, compare prices, and look for quality pieces that will last throughout the school term, even the rest of the year.