Help orphans to become self reliant

In the past 18 years, a lot of resources have been committed by the government and numerous charity organisation to the empowerment of genocide orphans and the reported success stories speak volumes.

Monday, April 16, 2012

In the past 18 years, a lot of resources have been committed by the government and numerous charity organisation to the empowerment of genocide orphans and the reported success stories speak volumes.However, we should realise that it is not enough to simply give material support to vulnerable people without helping them to become self reliant.It is significant to cultivate in them a sense of self confidence to face the future by themselves.NGOs and other charity organisations need to assess their approach to ensure that the donations go towards income generating projects.Involving orphaned children at an early stage in projects meant to uplift them will impact on the life they will lead as adults.They should be helped to realise that they have the potential to live independent and meaningful lives.A sustainable programme should encourage the orphans to engage in income generating projects and develop a savings culture among them.When people are involved in programmes meant for them, they develop a sense of ownership and will attach value to it.The idea should be to discourage the dependency syndrome while addressing poverty, as the famous proverb: "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”This way, the orphans will live healthier lives and be more confident.