Dealing with that embarrassing moment

Has something embarrassing ever happened and left you thinking the world was coming to an abrupt end? Your experience could have left you feeling shattered or cursed. It could have tormented you to the level of going without food or keeping away from the public eye for days.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Has something embarrassing ever happened and left you thinking the world was coming to an abrupt end? Your experience could have left you feeling shattered or cursed. It could have tormented you to the level of going without food or keeping away from the public eye for days.Embarrassments are only natural, they were there long before we were born, they are as old as man himself—implying  that everybody has or is yet to experience a humiliating moment, at least at some point in their life, so  you thought your experience was the worst? Take a sigh of relief; there is that person who has suffered a much worse one, perhaps your role model, the person you have always viewed as perfect.The only way you can prove that humiliation is part of the life-package, is  by getting to know about other people’s embarrassment tales, perhaps you will get consolation that your experience wasn’t bad enough after all. And some of such ordeals are seen below therefore.Back in high school, Elizabeth was pretty, had a fine sense of style and seemed to be good at everything she did. This therefore got her a lot of attention from boys and envy from girls.However, the more royal-treatment she got from staff and fellow students, the more proud and arrogant she became: jeering, frowning, sneering and shrugging at everyone became her habit. Slowly, the admiration students had for her was replaced with hate and dread.One afternoon at the lunch table, Elizabeth accidentally fell to the ground from her seat; the plate of rice and beans fully covering her face, the dining hall burst into wild laughter and jubilation as a result, and this went on for a long time, she remained coiled on the ground though, not because she had lost consciousness but because she was weak from humiliation and shame, she just didn’t have the confidence to pick herself up as her pride had been crashed. All that aside, it is important to know that embarrassments are part of the life-menu, like it or not, it’s  an experience that we have to go through sometimes;  So no one is expected  feel disgraced after it has struck; since its nothing strange.