Learn from our history-Gasabo Mayor

The Mayor of Gasabo District, Willy Ndizeye, has said that the dark days the country experienced in 1994 is enough for Rwandans to learn and fight against the Genocide ideology.

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Mourners at Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. The Sunday Times/ T. Kisambira.

The Mayor of Gasabo District, Willy Ndizeye, has said that the dark days the country experienced in 1994 is enough for Rwandans to learn and fight against the Genocide ideology.Ndizeye was addressing residents from different Sectors of the district who visited Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre on Thursday to pay tribute to the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi."Every one of us should own the responsibility of using any possible measure or mechanism to uproot the Genocide ideology, to make sure it does not happen again in Rwanda and elsewhere in the world,’’ Ndizeye said.He added that, "We are one and we should uphold the spirit of togetherness and unity to build a peaceful nation.”The Executive Secretary of Kimihurura Sector, Nyiridadi Mpambano, called on the youth to work together and use the country’s past as a challenge to aim high.He also encouraged them to embrace and actively take part in the implementation of national development programmes.”Discrimination amongst the population is very dangerous and its one of the major factors that resulted into genocide,” he said.Mpambano added that, "Rwandans should be identified by unity rather than what happened and the only way we can achieve this, is through learning our history and forge the way forward.”He also appealed to the population to actively participate in the ongoing activities of the commemoration, comfort survivors and reach out to the needy.Speaking to The Sunday Times, residents commended government`s effort in preserving the country’s history."With a visit to the memorial centre, even the next generation will be able to learn or understand what happened to their motherland, said Chantal Mahoro, a resident of Kacyiru.She noted that from such a background, Rwandans will never forget and will work towards development.