The Hater:I hate people who…

…pretend not to understand a language. Instead of being a proud multilingual person, some jokers who say nasty things in Kinyarwanda suddenly pretend not to know the language as the law draws closer to making them pay for their sins. So, when it was time to say nasty things, the joker preferred to use a language that many understand but now with the law he prefers another language. I actually don’t think it is fair to hate on such fools.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

…pretend not to understand a language. Instead of being a proud multilingual person, some jokers who say nasty things in Kinyarwanda suddenly pretend not to know the language as the law draws closer to making them pay for their sins. So, when it was time to say nasty things, the joker preferred to use a language that many understand but now with the law he prefers another language. I actually don’t think it is fair to hate on such fools.             …continue to use business cards for jobs they lost. I do not understand why people find it so hard to move on and in the process make my job of hating much easier. Don’t you just hate those dumb fellows, who continue handing out old business cards yet they stopped working with the company on the card. It even gets more annoying when they decide to use a pen to write their current phone number on the card. Wake up; you lost the job; so throw away those useless cards before you get more useless than you already are.    …find the door closed and leave it open. One of these days I will be in the news on the front page for slapping a guest. And I hope that when that day comes, you my readers will come to my defence. Sincerely don’t you just think people who find a door closed and then leave it open deserve to be slapped by a mountain gorilla? There is a reason why I prefer to keep my door closed, and so, I don’t know why you think that it should stay open after you leave. With that kind of amateur thinking, I think you deserve to stay in a house with no doors and to be buried in an open grave. I am just saying. …stare like their life depends on it. Ok I know I am famous although many of you don’t actually know me. If that statement does not make sense to you then you know what I am talking about. Anyway, I just don’t get it when some people who have few things to do decide to spend that time staring at the rest of us who do. I have seen people staring boldly at me and for a moment, I thought they were actually trying to beat the staring record. I am talking about the ones who stare at you with no time to even blink. Honestly some of these people deserve to be charged with crimes against humanity.      …tell me stupid things on the phone. Just before writing this piece, I tried calling some friend who owes me money but all I heard is some retarded girl telling me that "The correspondent you are trying to reach is on another line.” Since when did telecom staff become accomplices in crime? The fellow has my money and all you can tell me is that he is on another line? Which line is that because I need my money now? I do not like it when telecom staff engages in secrecy. All I need is my money not excuses. Now to you who has my money and has refused to pay and you are reading this, I know where you stay and when I come for my money, I bet that MTN Rwanda girl who is trying to hide you will not be there to save you. Pay me now before I do more than just hating.   Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293.