Water now, water tomorrow…

Editor, Water is life. In developing countries, where rural life means agriculture, water is more than that! Water means agriculture and agriculture is food security!

Friday, April 13, 2012
Lake Kivu. Water management is vital to everybody. The NewTimes, / File.

Editor,Water is life. In developing countries, where rural life means agriculture, water is more than that! Water means agriculture and agriculture is food security! The World Water Day 2012 talked for food security. The World’s decision makers have explored different areas of improvement for water use. Our Sub-Saharan region is not spared from water crisis in this world where water is becoming scarce. Rwanda is never left behind when it comes to human development. Water is a precious resource for our landlocked country. Rwanda’s industrial and agricultural areas also increasingly demand water. Rwanda plays a key role in the regional integration for sustainable social and economic development which is commendable. It is a member of regional bodies for development of natural resources, including water management. At ground level, Rwanda is equally water conscious for food security; the gender sensitive and famous programme of "Akarima k’Igikoni”, the call for drinking clean water using ‘siro” are programmes that sensitise but not limited to water for food security. Water is accessible in urban and rural areas, water taps have increased in the country. The sensitisation of proper use of taps is an ongoing call that contributes to food security by optimal use of water. It is my hope that thousands of people across the world, especially Africans, who attended the Marseille’s forum and the Rome summit during the World Water Day 2012, picked valuable knowledge on water management for food security and will share knowledge and transfer the skills acquired to fellow citizens for a better watered future. Louise-Andree N.K.