VOX POP: The role of the youth in nation building

“I never got the chance to study to the level I desired in my life but in my capacity as a human being and a youth in particular, I aim high at supporting my country whichever way I can.” Francois Hagenimana, Kimihurura resident

Thursday, April 12, 2012
L-R ( Top row): Francois Hagenimana,Sandra Muhire, Samuel Twizeyimana, Jossette Uwase L-R ( Bottom row): Vanesa Umurerwa, Clathine Uzarama, Aimable Habimana,Yvonne Miseke

"I never got the chance to study to the level I desired in my life but in my capacity as a human being and a youth in particular, I aim high at supporting my country whichever way I can.”Francois Hagenimana, Kimihurura resident"I see many young people who take drugs and so my wish is to help the youth. They need to understand the dangers of drugs. I want to raise that awareness.”Sandra Muhire. St Student"As a student, I want to see myself as one of the engines that are moving my country from one level to another.”Samuel Twizeyimana, Kimisagara Resident."I want to be a business woman so that I can travel to many countries. I will set up all my businesses here and help build a more developed Rwanda.”Jossette Uwase, Student in Ruhango."When I think about the love I have for my country and the entire trauma it went through, the only thing I want to do is help all those who lost loved ones in 1994.” Vanesa Umurerwa, ESA Gikondo Student."I want to be a job creator and provide jobs for the people who are jobless. That is a great way to build the nation.” Clathine Uzarama, Bumbogo student

"You do not have to be a millionaire to help develop your country.  All you need is the desire to support the nation and work towards that support.”Aimable Habimana, Nyamirambo Resident."My future dream is to become a business woman so that I can prove to other people out there that women can also handle business.”Yvonne Miseke, Kigali resident