Where there is a will, there is a way

I used to be one of those people who never have the will to do anything when something bad happens.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I used to be one of those people who never have the will to do anything when something bad happens. I found it so much easier curling away somewhere feeling sorry for myself. I recently realized it was an attitude that kept me bitter for far too long – longer than I should have been.I think about death and all the people it has cruelly taken away. I think of the innocent children dragged into the evils of mankind. I think of the people who now have no desire to live whatsoever but still move on in one way or another. I think of the people who force others to feel that way, to feel like life is worthless, to feel like everything is hopeless and there is no chance at even a fraction of a decent life. I think and wonder how human beings can be so evil. In renown Ugandan singer, Pastor Wilson Bugembe’s song Kani, he says even the devil is puzzled by us!Now, I wonder what or who could be more evil than the devil himself. But apparently the pastor thinks the world is so wicked that the devil is lost for words! When I read about the horrific killings that took place in this country in 1994, my skin goes ice cold and a wave of fear and horror takes over the atmosphere.Is it any wonder some people think Rwanda was crying wolf? Till this day, some individuals believe the story either doesn’t exist or it was simply exaggerated. The ones who believed it called the country God forsaken and to be honest, after finding out just how bad things were here, it sort of feels that way.But it is not our past that should leave people puzzled. I believe it is our future. And considering the Genocide happened 18 years ago, this IS the future. Look how far we have come. Look at how much we have accomplished in less than 20 years. God forsaken or not, Rwanda is fighting a winning battle.Rwandans do not give up. They do not throw in the towel and admit defeat. Unlike me (in my more personal situations), they do not sit in the dark sulking. Even when other people think God has abandoned them, to them, that couldn’t be further from the truth.The will and strength in this country is beyond inspiring. How do Rwandan’s do it? How can a country that almost sunk to the deepest depths of the earth be as safe and as developed as it is just 18 years later? There is without a doubt massive hope for the future. Another 10 years or so from now, Rwanda will no longer be associated with only evil men carrying machetes around hacking their fellow country men to death. It will be Africa’s pride and Glory. We are already well on our way there…