Reactions to Mpyisi’s article,“The Multilingual Genius of Rwanda”

Editor,  Thanks for such a lovely article. Having lived in Kigali for two years, I have a different view of this phenomenon. I worked among student communities at the Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and National University of Rwanda (UNR) and found it rather frustrating that students wouldn’t speak any international language fluently.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Editor,  Thanks for such a lovely article. Having lived in Kigali for two years, I have a different view of this phenomenon. I worked among student communities at the Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and National University of Rwanda (UNR) and found it rather frustrating that students wouldn’t speak any international language fluently. I heard French speakers from different countries complain how the Rwandans spoke poor French. I witnessed the same with English and Swahili which I am both fluent in.I am of the opinion that Rwanda should adopt a specific language and polish it. That would be more rewarding. Being multilingual is of no pride if the speaker can barely read.Denin OmaniNairobi  

Editor,It’s always good to read Diana Mpyisi’s write-ups! I agree with her that this generation of young Rwandans is the pride of the country; for Many of them have had the opportunity  to learn a foreign language, being exposed to other ways of life, and have this ‘multiculturalism’ in addition to their own Rwandan heritage. I personally grew up speaking French at school, listening to Kinyarwanda at home, and watching TV in English. Although I do not master Kinyarwanda (yet – it is only a matter of time!), nothing would make me more proud than being able to perfectly express myself in my mother tongue. I will then happily compare myself to a demi-god!KerryKigali


Editor,That was a very good article. It just reminds us that we don’t have a limit in learning something, especially a language. We are a gifted generation in the way we can manage to speak four or five languages without difficulties. It’s just amazing, keep it up guys. ThanksOlivier BugingoRemera