Take resolute action on genocide ideology

Two people were arrested in the Eastern Province in connection with propagating genocide ideology. The timing of the alleged crime - when Rwandans are commemorating their loved ones - shows that while the country has moved on, there is still a lot more to do.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Two people were arrested in the Eastern Province in connection with propagating genocide ideology. The timing of the alleged crime - when Rwandans are commemorating their loved ones - shows that while the country has moved on, there is still a lot more to do. Over the years, cases of propagating genocide ideology have significantly reduced, thanks to efforts to promote unity and reconciliation as well equally give human beings the dignity they deserve. However, there are isolated cases that pop up, at times targeting and tormenting survivors who, during the commemoration period, are remembering and honouring their loved ones. It is important that strict deterrent measures are put in place to ensure that such toxic ideas are not allowed to blossom. The tragic consequences of such ideologies are evidently clear and the Rwandan people must not tolerate those who try to take the country back to the dark days. The reconciliation journey has not been easy. Genocide survivors have even gone to the extent of forgiving and living side by side with the perpetrators. It is unacceptable that their well being is compromised. A lot of sacrifices have been made to bring Rwanda to where it is today. And, the level of commitment and determination to take it even further is without doubt, increasing by the day. Getting rid of genocide ideology or any actions that risk frustrating the various efforts that have helped rebuilt the country is everyone’s responsibility that should never be taken lightly.