Man kills wife, children

NYANZA – In a gruesome incident, a 27-year old man in Muyira sector, Nyanza District, allegedly hacked his wife and two daughters with a panga.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

NYANZA – In a gruesome incident, a 27-year old man in Muyira sector, Nyanza District, allegedly hacked his wife and two daughters with a panga. According to local authorities, the shocking incident took place last Tuesday morning (at around 11.40 am) in Kinyoni village, Gati cell.  The suspect is being held at Busasamana police station, Nyanza District. The deceased have been identified as Jeanine Bankundiye, 22 and the two young daughters Tuyishime Olivia, 6 and Chance Iraduha, 4.According to eyewitnesses, the suspect took the children inside the house from where he killed them. He, thereafter, killed the woman as she tried to enter the house to save the children. The Executive secretary of Muyira sector, Habineza Jean Baptiste, told The New Times that the family had had a history of domestic wrangles.