KHI, KIST students visit Nyarubuye memorial

KIREHE–Students of Kigali Health Institute (KHI) and Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), yesterday visited Nyarubuye Genocide Memorial Site, where they listened in disbelief to horrifying stories of Genocide in the area.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

KIREHE–Students of Kigali Health Institute (KHI) and Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), yesterday visited Nyarubuye Genocide Memorial Site, where they listened in disbelief to horrifying stories of Genocide in the area.The students had heard the horrific stories of the Nyarubuye killings before visiting the site.Ferdinand Rwakayigamba, a Nyarubuye survivor, told the students that the killers ate the hearts of their victims immediately after killing them.He said the victims were sprayed with pepper in the eyes before they were hacked to death with machetes."We are talking of unique torture and murder…it involved cannibalism which is unique to Nyarubuye. One Daniel Rwamukama was the master mind of the cannibalism…Tutsi were dehumanised to the level of an animal, hunted and killed for meat,” he told the awestruck students.Callixte Mwizerwa, the chairman KHI and KIST students survivors’ association (AERG) said Nyarubuye stories had distinctive characteristics."We have cannibalism…it is inconceivable that the killers fed on their victims. As scholars, we get lessons from the ugly history of our country…we shall use when saying Never Again,” he said.Dieudonné Kayitare, of the National Commission for the fight against Genocide (CNLG) said the Genocide left wounds that will take ages to heal."It has not been easy for us to come to terms with the aftermath of the Genocide…even giving decent burial to those who perished is still a challenge. Remains of at least 35,000 people are not decently buried in this area,” he said.The majority of the 51.000 Tutsi who were killed in this area, died in Nyarubuye Parish.