A life in the day of a....: Househelp

I wake up at 5.00am and the first thing I do is to mop the entire house and sweep the compound. At 5.45, I start preparing break fast for my bosses and children.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I wake up at 5.00am and the first thing I do is to mop the entire house and sweep the compound. At 5.45, I start preparing break fast for my bosses and children.

Around 6.15, time for shower knocks and I immediately rush water straight to the bathroom. I am used to wake up 5.00. Even if I have not checked on any clock, when this time reaches, I find myself waking up.

Or there is time when the morning birds wake me. I have never delayed in my bed because what you set your body to be is what it becomes.

I dash up and down. Somebody is calling you here to bring soap or drinking water but the children out there are fighting over something small like a pencil and you must run there to arbitrate.

By the time my bosses are off for work, I am here sweating profusely. When my bosses leave, I clean the sitting room again and put the kitchen in order.

Around 10.15, I embark on fetching water; about six jeer cans to sustain the day’s work. I get the water next out house. Toward 10.45, I sit down to have my break fast.

Before mid-day, I must make sure that the kids’ lunch is up and before they eat I have to prepare water for them to bathe. There are two kids and both are boys. One is in primary five and younger in primary three.

They are very young and this means the need extra care. The biggest percentage of the day’s work has to be tackled when the kids are a way at school or after their lunch.

After lunch, around 1.15pm, I take the kids to bed. Because I am turning 18-years-old soon, I must work very hard when I am still energetic.

After 1.30, I too take my lunch after which, I rest a bit. My break off depends largely on how much work I have. By 10.30pm, I must have finished most of the day’s work. At this time I can even listen to Radio or watch a TV. I can even take a small sleep.

My boss does not mind if he finds resting but what hurts me deeply is mistreatment on my cousin who is working in a near by house. I always thank God who directed me here because I like working and my boss appreciates it.

Time management is crucial when you are engaged in this field. You always make it a responsibility just like a teacher arriving at school on time preparing to teach.

There is no time wasted when you are doing this kind of job. Many times you work under the watch of your bosses especially in the evening.

It is rather a privilege than spending all nights on the street stealing and robbing. I started this job in 2004 and have been earning Frw5000.

Because of being hard-working and honesty, my salary has been raised to Frw10, 000 which I will always treasure in my life.

At 10.15pm when everything is done, I call it a day and go to my bed. But to sleep soundly, I must make sure all people in the house are a sleep.
