Sharing is caring

Sharing is very important as it shows that you care about others. I once saw a group of kids sharing one samosa and I was amazed. Some went with one pea, others with a small outer part and they all just seemed grateful to get some no matter how small.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sharing is very important as it shows that you care about others. I once saw a group of kids sharing one samosa and I was amazed. Some went with one pea, others with a small outer part and they all just seemed grateful to get some no matter how small. It is important to start sharing at a young age. Children who do not like to share are kept back by things hey probably can’t do away with.According to Amanda Morgan, a part time trainer and consultant at a non-profit children’s organization and a writer with Not Just Cute, a preschool crganisation, children are naturally ego-centric, they always think about themselves and see the whole world through their own desires and needs.Giving up something to make someone happy would be a mental leap for them. Therefore children need to be taught to learn how to value other people’s feelings and not to think about themselves only. She also says that children seeking for motivation sources that can allow them to be more proficient and independent.If sharing is presented to them as giving up on something then they will naturally resist. Social skills are learned like any other thing they learn in life. They can’t just wake up and know that sharing is good. It requires practice which will include mistakes along the way.Teach children how to share little items while still young like their toys. Share sweets, chocolates and even your juice at home. A child will grow up completely self -less. Children, the bible tells us to share so as to be good people. Start sharing with your friends whatever little you have and also try to encourage you friends to do the same.