Getting the most out of life

This is what usually crosses my mind when I wake up to a new day. It’s like the platform to straightening what I had previously done and not finished.  It’s taking advantage of the new opportunities around you. Some people do not have a clue as to how to seize these opportunities. Here are a few things that might help.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Fulfilling your dreams. Net photo

This is what usually crosses my mind when I wake up to a new day. It’s like the platform to straightening what I had previously done and not finished.  It’s taking advantage of the new opportunities around you. Some people do not have a clue as to how to seize these opportunities. Here are a few things that might help. First of all, negative people and negative thoughts must be avoided at all times. Negativity usually derails our thinking, our motivation and every ounce of passion we have! All you have to do is sit on a winning resurgence in whatever you set out to do and you’ll be as successful as some of the people you admire today. Second, you have to believe in yourself. ‘I can’t’ is not an option. When you think you can’t do something, you are building a huge wall around yourself locking all your potential inside. Third, try to accept yourself and stop being your worst critic. Even when things don’t go quite the way you planned, brush yourself off and try again! There will be the occasional I-told-you-so’s but do not let that deter you. You can always save face by drawing happy faces on a piece of paper. Researchers from the University of Cambridge have discovered that this is something done by some of the wealthiest men and women in the world. A great mood could lead you to excellence. Fourth, improve your mind by reading more. Sign up for an extra class instead of sitting and watching T.V all day.  Saving 10% of your earnings or allowance is important as it helps you improve your financial status as well as saving skills which will come in handy when serious jobs come along. Make your diet more nutritious – yes, that means adding veggies and fruits if you haven’t already. Consult a doctor as often as you can to keep track of your health. Keep fit too. Believe that for every problem there is a solution, so don’t fear – rather try your best with no holdbacks.