Lend a hand in nation building

It’s important to note that the future of our country depends on the young men and women of today. As teens and youth, our role is not to be held hostage by what happened in the past  and work on moving forward. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The youth are the future of Rwanda. Net photo.

It’s important to note that the future of our country depends on the young men and women of today. As teens and youth, our role is not to be held hostage by what happened in the past  and work on moving forward. 

The thoughts that we make and the character we instill in the people we interact with in the future will give birth to an even more promising Rwanda.This country has already achieved so much eighteen years after the Genocide.  As a teen, take keen notice of what you are told today, because tomorrow it will be you telling the next generation.The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi was not the first in Rwanda. Genocide also happened in 1959 and 1973 and the reason why they keep occurring is because people were not taught to handle life after such tragedy. But our leaders, today, have endeavoured to bring it all to light so the prevention of such atrocities lay in our hands for a better and peaceful future. As a Rwanda teen, learn to forgive but never forget and, most importantly, pass it on to the generations to come. Patriotism and unity are some of the things that our government has emphasised all through the years of growth and understanding. With these values we will stand the test of such tragedies and misfortunes. In order to build this nation to even greater heights, we need to be one. Our leaders have installed a sense of togetherness in us and teenagers need to pass on that unity. This shouldn’t be only for the sake of development but to also avoid any pending tragedy in the years ahead. Teenagers should have a vision for a better Rwanda; a place with more employment opportunities and a wider market for products. It all starts with the decisions you make today. With thanks to the government and where it has brought us, we are handed the task of making the future ten times better for tomorrow’s Rwanda.