The power of style

In this day and age, most teenagers have developed a sense of style and fashion. Fashion can be a great expression of self for a teenager.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Justin Bieber is a style icon for many teenagers. Net photo.

In this day and age, most teenagers have developed a sense of style and fashion. Fashion can be a great expression of self for a teenager. While there are a number of benefits that come with experimenting with style and developing tastes, as a teen, there are also a number of problems that can come with young fashion. Try and consider the following when it comes to style and fashion. Being able to select what you wear is incredibly empowering. While some may try to restrict what you wear, there is nothing as fun as having your own sense of personal style.Having a certain "look” gives you an idea of your inner person and character. Being able to express yourself through fashion and style allows you to feel comfortable with your self-image. Clothes and style allow characters and personalities to come alive. It is very healthy for teens to express their personality and, fashion is a great way to do so.With differing fashion trends popping up, teens discover their likes and dislikes. They go through phases of loving one thing then, hating it the next season. As you find the benefits of style when it comes to expression and figuring out your tastes and preferences, it is also important to understand that there are a number of negative factors that come with teen fashion. You might start dressing inappropriately or find that the way you dress does not always give off the best impression.Some teens take fashion and style as a way to prove they are growing up. The media tends to influence this factor in teens, telling them what they should or should not wear. More often than not, dress code is completely inappropriate in most teenagers. Dressing provocatively as a teen will get you in trouble at school and even send out the wrong signal to people.The way you dress says a lot about who you are. Teachers have no patience for indecently dressed students. And if you are looking for a holiday job, employers have no respect for dress codes best suited for the night club.