Labour ministry in innovation drive ahead of May Day

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) has launched a campaign that will see businesses with the best innovative skills rewarded.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) has launched a campaign that will see businesses with the best innovative skills rewarded.The drive, mainly targeting the promotion of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), is part of activities organised to celebrate this year’s Labour Day which falls on May 1. Under the theme "promote employment by supporting prospective entrepreneurs”, the ministry, in collaboration with partners, has been evaluating eligible youth and women SMEs country-wide that have generated many decent jobs and innovation in increasing output to the market.The national public service inspector at the ministry, Javan Nkundabakura, who headed the evaluation teams, said due to government effort in promoting job creation, many Rwandans have developed interesting innovative businesses."If this spirit continues like this, the government’s target of making the country a knowledge based economy will be a reality,” he said.The winners will be selected at district, province and the national levels, with cash prizes ranging from Rwf200, 000 to Rwf500, 000."We are moved by the skills exhibited so far by several Rwandans in the communities we have reached. With enough support, we would be importing fewer products,” he noted.Each district forwarded at least four outstanding businesses targeting mainly individuals and self employed women that have impacted their respective communities.Government is sensitising Rwandans to be more of job creators as well as consolidating citizen-centred development than job seeking so as to fight unemployment.The country envisages the introduction of at least 270,000 SMEs annually.According to officials from MIFOTRA, the winners will be selected based on job creation, innovations, access to finance and how they deal with environmental conservation.