KCC ought to be more considerate

Editor, I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times, April, 6 titled “Traders decry closure of city market”.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times, April, 6 titled "Traders decry closure of city market”.There is a clear evidence of negligence on the part of Kigali City Council. This would never have happened in the first place had the city authorities not allowed the owners of the new building to operate without permission.But to wait for months as tenants occupy the premises and then only intervene at this time is so unconvincing to say the least.It is reminiscent of situations where people’s houses are brought down allegedly because they were put up ‘illegally’ yet the same structures were constructed in full view of the authorities.KCC should style up and stop causing these unnecessary losses and inconveniences.SabinKigaliEditor,I think this shows the culture of negligence, bad customer care, and poor service delivery by members of KCC. There is a strong need for them to start respecting the clients.RichUK