I think our MPs got it wrong on abortion

Editor, Allow me to react to a story you published last week, in which you said members of the Chamber of Deputies had agreed on how to deal with abortion in the panel code.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Editor, Allow me to react to a story you published last week, in which you said members of the Chamber of Deputies had agreed on how to deal with abortion in the panel code. The draft penal code spells out four conditions under which an abortion can be allowed. But the woman in question would require a court decision to go ahead with the abortion! So is this supposed to make women feel like they have control of their bodies?  I am disappointed to come from a country with such a high women representation in decision making positions but yet have failed to grasp the concept of reproductive rights.Clearly this issue is still in the hands of religious leaders and "activists” whom I can guarantee are probably mostly men.So now a woman’s case has to be dragged through our courts and their stories have to be analysed to see if they fit the "urgency” criteria.Let’s see what great change this will bring to illegal abortions.CandiceKigali