Our liberation struggle was not in vain

Editor,  On Saturday, April, 7, Rwandans started to mark the 18th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Editor, On Saturday, April, 7, Rwandans started to mark the 18th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Several foreign dignitaries came to Kigali to join Rwandans in remembering their loved ones. Millions of other Rwandans attended similar events organised at the grassroots level across the country as did Rwandans in the Diaspora.The current leadership has, since the Genocide, worked so hard to unite all Rwandans. Indeed, the liberation struggle, which started more than two decades ago, has achieved a lot under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame.Today, the country has undergone tremendous changes, with Rwanda now recognised as one of the well governed and fast developing countries.The democratisation process, which started after the Genocide, has produced significant results, especially in the areas of public service delivery and fighting corruption.The government has also facilitated hundreds of thousands of refugees not only to return home but also to safely reintegrate in the community. Rwandans, today, enjoy equal rights.All that attests to the fact that the liberation struggle was not in vain, after all.Lilliane KantaramaNyagatare