Choosing the first gift

Attach personality First look to the person’s interests.  Allen Mukiza says “when I am giving someone their first gift I look for something that fits their interests, but, is small, not too expensive, but something that has meaning.”

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Attach personalityFirst look to the person’s interests.  Allen Mukiza says "when I am giving someone their first gift I look for something that fits their interests, but, is small, not too expensive, but something that has meaning.” You should pay attention not to get something private that will show that you would actually be stalking them.Be genuine not conyThis applies more to those that are in the early stages of friendship but leading to something. Hold off on going overboard and declaring your undying love in a gift. Resist the urge to put lots of heart decorations and "I love you” all over something you make.” Most guys are not really into that sort of thing and well, they may not give you the huge smile you were looking for. But it still gets to them so it should not be a lay back for the ladies.Show That You CareYou should choose a gift that shows you know the person you are sending it to. Diana Mutimura says "I remember my first gift to a friend of mine who was such a workaholic was a simple massage machine. It wasn’t that expensive but I knew it would help him relax. And he loved It.”Reference Your BondStrengthen your bond by getting your significant other something that reminds them of the two of you as a couple of as good friends, like a favorite shared activity, band, or an inside joke.  A friend for example would buy a team jersey of a team you both support. It could be a country team or of individual choice. It is personnel and he/she will surely love it. A CD of a singer that you both love or a band with whom you share memories could also be a lovely gift to offer.Do it yourselfTo some people material gifts mean nothing to them. Thiery Maridadi adds that "the first gift I sent to my dad was a card I made when I was five years. I wasn’t talented but it put a smile on his face.”  If you’re low on cash, a cute poem, painting, or song costs little to nothing, but makes a big impact regardless of your talent or skill level.