How to handle a cheating partner

Being unfaithful to your partner is one thing that is unacceptable in a relationship. It is actually too harmful to the partner and could have serious effects on that person.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Being unfaithful to your partner is one thing that is unacceptable in a relationship. It is actually too harmful to the partner and could have serious effects on that person.

There are some people who cheat once and feel so guilty about it but there are some habitual cheaters who will never give up on it until they are caught in the act. However, there is always a second chance for everyone. As they say to error is human, but one should always be sure of their partner’s willingness to give up on the habit of cheating. And one should always find out how likely it is that their partner will repeat the same behaviour. Think if you can trust them enough to take their word for it when they say they are sorry and work hard to build trust that has been damaged. How then would you handle a partner who goes on cheating on you? Would you just give up on them and let go or you would fight for your relationship? Here is what you could do to maintain your relationship.Start amending your relationship from square on. Go back at point one where you first met with your partner and try and see if you can rebuild your relationship. Remove all conditions that might have led to the betrayal. The person your partner cheated on must be out of your minds, making no contacts with them or any friendship. This will help you try and forget about the whole issue, though you might not forget it completely.Go deeper into the problem, find out the root cause of the problem, discuss it with your partner and deal with it. Doesn’t mean necessarily that your partner doesn’t love you when they cheat on you, but find out what led them to that and therefore deal with it. This will help you rebuild your relationship. Find common ground strength, the love that remains and supports one another in every way possible.Assure yourself you can live with the knowledge of your partner’s betrayal in your relationship before you move further with it. Forgetting may not be so easy but surely you can try and forgive. If this doesn’t happen, the relationship may turn into a vicious circle of mistrust, revenge and unspoken hatred to the person you once loved and cared for. So try and see if you can withstand your partner even after them cheating on you, then move further with the relationshipTry and consider the sincerity of the person who betrayed you when they ask for forgiveness and reconciliation. Don’t go to them, they must be the one’s to come to you. Be sure it will not happen again unless you know your partner very well and cannot account for their actions.If your partner is a habitual cheater, of course no one would be with such people. It even shows disrespect for you, so if you see that you can not go on with that person after getting them several times, just put off the relationship before you even get worse problems. Let go of that person and move on with life.