Dealing with traumatized people

That time of the year where we take time off to remember our beloved ones that we lost during the genocide, is here again.

Saturday, April 07, 2012
Some of the people who turned up during the 18th commemoration held at Amahoro national stadium in Remere. The Sunday Times, T. Kisambira

That time of the year where we take time off to remember our beloved ones that we lost during the genocide, is here again.Honestly speaking, this isn’t one of those months I look forward to because everything, throughout the month of April, seems covered with a cloud of grief and sorrow and sad faces due to the recollections of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Since Sunday, April 1st, I have been whining about the fact that it’s April again and just thinking how we are all going to go through this month, with all the bad memories that come with it.Well, many people could have already gotten into that miserable mood and praying that they get through it well. It has never been easy; going through tough times but if we try to be there for someone else who is grief-stricken, we often times forget about our own worries.Throughout this month, there are bound to be so many cases of trauma due to the fact that we are going through the commemoration period, remembering those that lost their lives during the Genocide.Many times; we are faced with difficulty wondering how to help those that are traumatized due to the recollections of the Genocide and frightening memories. Dealing with traumatized people varies and so the kind of help you give depends on the weight of the situation.Some cases might need the involvement of a Counselor, Rehabilitation Center or even just the people around.However, family or the people closest to the victim should play the first role in helping a traumatized person.Cases of trauma mostly need to feel loved and cared for above everything. In case you have someone who is distressed and troubled, start with showing them the love and care by being there for them.Many times when people are hurt, there is a lot of thoughts (most times not good ones) that go through their minds that may lead to emotional reaction such as crying, isolation from people among others.Sometimes, they may want to speak their minds and in such cases, it’s good to listen to them as they pour out their hearts.Speaking out one’s heart is also therapy since it helps one to bring out the hurt in their hearts, thus cleansing them from the pain.According to Gerald Ruzindana, a Natural therapist with Health Inspirations Center based in Kimironko, people who are traumatized need a secure and safe environment."Traumatized people need to be around others to avoid loneliness which triggers thoughts of depression. They need to be comforted because the more they stay alone, the more they are filled with memories of sadness,” he says.Isolation makes things worse, so he adds that traumatized people must never be left alone.Ruzindana notes that severe cases may need the intervention of a Counselor. A severe case could be when the victim speaks uncoordinated things, refuses to talk to anyone, locks themselves up in a room or even attempts to commit suicide.Such cases might not find remedy through comfort only, but might need the help of a qualified Counselor.Participating in social activities is also very helpful in handling such trauma cases. It keeps the mind off the worries. Social activities may include a sport, hanging out with friends and many other activities that keep the mind busy and the heart, happy.In case the problem persists and the traumatized person is in a very bad condition, then it’s better to seek the help of a Psychologist or Psychiatrist depending on the advice of the medical personnel.However, the first interventions should be to show care and love to that person on top of always giving them company so they are never alone.Helping a traumatized person helps one keep their mind off their own worries. So always take the opportunity to be there for a traumatized person so you can make a difference in their lives and put a smile on their face.Mary Nsanzimana, a mother of six, who witnessed the genocide, says that it’s advisable for family to be there for one if they are going through trauma. It’s also not very good to treat traumatized people like they are sick or have a problem because that way, they will only feel worse.So the ground rules are that the traumatized shouldn’t be left in isolation and should be in the company of caring people like family and close friends.Let’s all be strong while strengthening one another and knowing that this too shall pass and it’s just a temporary situation.Whereas the past might have been tough with horrible moments that have left scars and bleeding wounds in many hearts, a new day is here and we have a chance to change the story and have a better future.