Let’s remember while we re-enforce our resolve

Today, Rwandans remember and commemorate the innocent lives lost during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Today, Rwandans remember and commemorate the innocent lives lost during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. During this commemoration period we must all come together as a community, foreigners and Rwandans alike, to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who are mourning their loved ones.  The entire Rwandan community was affected by the horrible events; the commemoration period shouldn’t be one where some people participate or feel concerned and others don’t. Together we must make a promise that the evils of genocide ideology, ethnicity, sectarianism and divisionism are done away with. The commemoration period also offers the opportunity to reflect with purpose, and to recommit to doing the right things that will keep out nation strong and united. Eighteen years after the Genocide, Rwanda is bursting with life and promise. The social fabric has grown strong and the economy has never been better. Let’s commemorate our beloved ones while reinforcing our resolve to staying the course of nation building. To those who are remembering their loved ones, The New Times stands with you in this difficult time.