Excitement as Rusumo gets power

Kirehe–Cross-border traders between Tanzania and Rwanda, through Rusumo were pleased by the electrification of the border point.

Friday, April 06, 2012
Travellers along Rusumo border are pleased with electrification. The New Times / S.Rwembeho.

Kirehe–Cross-border traders between Tanzania and Rwanda, through Rusumo were pleased by the electrification of the border point.Traders who were at the border could not hide their excitement yesterday.The border has been relying on a generator, which could only emit power to a few offices and at regulated hours to minimise fuel consumption.But after the installation of electricity from the national grid, the whole area, including the parking yard and the main highway, are now lit.Damascene Uwanyirigira, 45, who frequents the border with goods to or from Tanzania, said that lack of power would halt business most of the time."We must be headed for good business...there is no way you could judge service delivery when customs officials were curtailed by black outs. This border will change after getting electricity,” he said.Rusumo links the country to the port of Dar es Salaam.Julian Murekatete, another businessperson, said that the electrification of the border took them by surprise.She, however, said that the Tanzanian side should also get electricity if Rusumo border services were to improve."It shouldn’t be the Rwandan side alone. The Tanzanian side of the border should also get electricity. The two sides are complimentary.”"Reliance on solar energy or generators wasn’t enough...time in today’s world is very expensive. We thus expect no more delays photocopying or even typing business documents, because I am sure people will set up photocopying and other secretarial businesses at the border.”Abdul Karinganire, a trailer driver, said that the electricity will improve security of goods in transit."Whenever we park our vehicles in darkness we don’t feel safe, goods can be easily stolen...now that the whole border will be lit, we shall feel more secure than ever,’ he noted.The mayor of Kirehe District, Protais Murayire, while presiding over the official launch of the electrification, said the development was long overdue.He said the whole of Kirehe would be connected to electricity in the near future."Electricity brings a lot of changes in all spheres of life...it actually demonstrates our country’s commitment to bring about modernity. It is with electricity that the benefits  of ICT can be enjoyed. We shall work hard to connect every village in our district,” he said.Rusumo is said to be the most active border handling 65 per cent exports and 90 per cent imports of Rwanda.Small-scale traders on either side of the border post between Rwanda and Tanzania easily import and export goods following the recent launch of a simplified clearance procedure dubbed ‘Simplified Trade Regime.’The Simplified Trade Regime (STR) is meant to waive taxes on goods originating from either one of the two states with commercial value not exceeding $2000.The border post closes at 5.30 p.m., but with the power connection it’s likely to open 24 hours.