Rwanda Civil society does a beautiful job

Dear editor, As time gradually approaches towards legislative elections, the Rwanda civil society has the obligation of mobilizing the populace about the importance of full participation, and the gravity entailed within electoral process.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dear editor,

As time gradually approaches towards legislative elections, the Rwanda civil society has the obligation of mobilizing the populace about the importance of full participation, and the gravity entailed within electoral process.

This was evidenced when the president of Rwanda electoral commission Damien Habumuremyi stressed on the importance of elections towards building a strong democratic society.

This was further cemented by the spokesperson for Rwanda civil society Eugene Rwibasira, by clarifying on the necessity and preparation of the electro late, in order to evict ugly scenarios like the ones witnessed by both Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Elections is one way which leads to democracy, which in turn paves the way for transparency and accountability, as major elements of any developed society.

It will be better if the civil society in Rwanda organizes more of such sensitization in order to clear skepticism that might be lingering within the minds of some Rwandans, as election processes are new within the country.
