More views on traffic system

Editor, I wish to respond to an opinion titled “Right-hand drives and beer goggles” The New Times, April, 3, by Oscar Kabatende.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
Government says it is looking into the implications of driving on the left side of the road. The New Times / File.

Editor,I wish to respond to an opinion titled "Right-hand drives and beer goggles” The New Times, April, 3, by Oscar Kabatende.The article is one-sided. Costs are part of development and the important issue is whether the benefits will outweigh the costs. Kigali is among the cities with the narrowest roads. It is inevitable that they will have to be expanded in the near future to accommodate the rapidly growing population. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with the Kigali Master Plan as it mainly focuses on development of high rise buildings yet the road network design should be an integral part of the city planning as well. My recommendation is that a technical team should carry out a study and provides recommendations on a long-term solution as well as carry out a census and allows the road users of Rwanda to have a say in this matter.CollinKigali

Editor,Even if Rwanda doesn’t finally switch to the left hand drive, let us be allowed to import cars with right hand drive, like other people in East African Community (EAC). They are less expensive compared to the ones allowed (left hand drive) in Rwanda. Otherwise, we will continue to move on our beautiful roads on foot until Rwanda will be able to manufacture cars, which, I suspect, will not be expensive.Concerned Rwandan