The role of celebrities in humanitarianism

Everyone knows that a celebrity’s lifestyle is of interest to many people; in fact, everything they do (whether personal or not), attracts the public’s attention.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
George Clooney is a key activist for Darfur. Net photo.

Everyone knows that a celebrity’s lifestyle is of interest to many people; in fact, everything they do (whether personal or not), attracts the public’s attention.It is in this regard that a good number of these celebrated people have decided to use their status for a good cause.If you reflect on the global celebrities who have been cited for humanitarian work, the list is endless. From Angelina Jolie’s work with the refugees, to George Clooney’s support to child soldiers and Oprah Winfrey’s project to brighten the lives of children in South Africa, celebrities seem to be in the spirit of charity.Rwanda’s celebrities like Josiane Uwineza aka Miss Jojo have advanced efforts to promote the status of the Rwandan woman. In a recent display of her cause, she launched her music album entirely dedicated to women. In her remarks, she noted that the time has come for equality, for women of this nation to rise up and compete favorably in a world that was originally man’s domain.Celebrities can indeed be very influential when it comes to mobilising people or funds for charity purposes.If only we had all of them heeding to this cause, then many children would be off the street and living a good life.US based Rwandan Artiste, Scooper Knight, held a concert mid last year to create awareness about acts of kindness to support the needy. Proceeds from the concert were donated to Mpore PEFA,an orphanage in Gikondo.My only plea to our celebrities is to give back to the community through dedicating at least one show, annually, or display and sell off their art to collect funds for charity.That way, Rwanda will have more solid reason to celebrate and be proud of our celebrities.