The baby drama

Mistakes are things like putting salt in tea or calling your wife by your mistress’ name, not impregnating a woman outside wedlock and then crawl your way out of responsibility. It’s just wrong for a mature guy to deny responsibility, especially for a pregnancy he well knows he contributed to.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
Lillian Nakayima

Mistakes are things like putting salt in tea or calling your wife by your mistress’ name, not impregnating a woman outside wedlock and then crawl your way out of responsibility. It’s just wrong for a mature guy to deny responsibility, especially for a pregnancy he well knows he contributed to.I wasn’t going to tackle this issue but an eighteen year old mother provoked my wrath. This cute little girl passed by my house, with a baby on her back. "Will you please give me some money to buy milk for my baby,” she requested. Her weary little face couldn’t answer the questions running through my mind. She was supposed to be in school somewhere, why on earth was she begging? Was that really her child? Who was responsible? Broke as he probably was, milk wasn’t very expensive.  I later learnt that the man responsible (also above thirty) deliberately denied the pregnancy. "Better look for those little boys you sleep around with. They should be responsible for that thing in you. I am mature and wise, there is just no way I could get you pregnant,” he arrogantly told her when she told him about the pregnancy.It’s not amusing how men call their actions mistakes! I mean, before having unprotected sex, lay out the risks – pregnancy ranks right up there! I wondered how many girls out there had been fooled by guys claiming to care about them, only for their ‘Mr. Right’ to walk away the second her tummy starts swelling! It’s no generalisation, but at least, a great deal of women have fallen victims to this male baby drama. "He will get you pregnant, and then ask you how you set him up,” says Winnie Murungi. "He will even swear he is from a sterile family!”Unwanted pregnancy gets men panicky and confused; hence acting the wrong way. "Women often use pregnancies as a pawn to get back to men. They don’t even love you, all they want is to ruin your life,” states one man. Men naturally love their freedom; pregnancy or commitment is never ever going to change that.