When gambling goes local

When we talk about gambling, most of the time, our minds, instantaneously think of Roulette, Black Jack, slot machines, lottery tickets and all these other games that take place in the casino.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
The dice used in most gambling games Net photo.

When we talk about gambling, most of the time, our minds, instantaneously think of Roulette, Black Jack, slot machines, lottery tickets and all these other games that take place in the casino.For starters, gambling involves taking risks like losing money or belongings. Usually, a win or loss is determined by luck and the more games you win, the more money you are likely to get.A few years ago, gambling was considered unethical, illegal and a game for people with tarnished reputations. However, today, it’s legal in many countries and no longer looked at as a game for shady people.The majority of us think that gambling is only for the wealthy but it actually started in the villages.The board game commonly known as igisoro, playing cards, sports betting, draft, ludo and pool are some of the games locally connected to gambling.These are the same games mordernised in casinos. Most people, today, make and lose money through playing these games.There are most definitely mixed reactions about the issue of gambling for the local people.Janvier Munezero, 32, a resident of Kimisagara observes that gambling is one way of getting  money easily."Gambling is clean since it doesn’t involve fighting. Some people are just lucky at winning these games so it would be good if they made money from that ‘talent,’ he says.Munezero says that at the end of the day, everyone works to get money so if they can play a game and make money out of it, then why not."Some people aren’t educated but they are good at these games and there is no harm in playing cards for money if it will put food on the table,” he adds.However, Claudine Murekatete, a clothing vendor in Giporoso, thinks that gambling is outrageous.Murekatete confesses that her husband also gambles through the board game (igisoro) which he is apparently addicted to."Gambling is very addictive and causes impoverishment. People end up borrowing money so they can play and most times end up losing even what they borrowed. It results into violence in case one fails to pay up the debt,” Murekatete says.She urged that people who gamble aren’t respected in society and it creates a bad image of someone.According to her, sportsbetting, playing cards, ludo and the board game, are games commonly used for gambling, stressing that it’s a habit most men possess, which isn’t good at all.While others wake up to do constructive work for a livng, there are people who routinely wake up to play cards or ludo just so they can get some cash from it.Gambling isn’t just for the learned and wealthy who can afford to go to the casino, it started way back in the villages. Right or wrong, I leave that to your judgment.