China constructs Frw600m school in Kabarole

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — The Government of China has earmarked Frw600 million for the construction of what is called a ‘modern school’ in Kabarole Sector, Gatsibo district.

Friday, April 25, 2008

GATSIBO — The Government of China has earmarked Frw600 million for the construction of what is called a ‘modern school’ in Kabarole Sector, Gatsibo district.

This was revealed on Thursday during the official ground-breaking ceremony by the Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education, Théoneste Mutsindashyaka, and Sun Shuzhong the Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda.

The school will have nine class room blocks and is expected to shelter a primary level and ‘o’ level section. Sun reaffirmed his government’s resolution to strengthen the partnership with Rwanda by promoting its education.

"Our aim is to develop the rural communities in developing countries,” the Ambassador said.

The ambassador explained that Rwanda and China have been in partnership for the last 37 years. He added that the construction would be completed within a timeframe of the the next 12 months.

China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) is the company contracted to build the school. According to the Ambassador, the Government of China has committed itself to the construction of two modern schools in Rwanda.

They include one in Gatsibo and another in Rulindo district in the Northern Province. The ambassador said that they would soon open the Rulindo site whose construction would cost the same amount.

Addressing residents, Mutsindashyaka called upon teachers and parents to create a conducive learning environment when the school opens.

"The school will be modern and well-furnished with all necessary education requirements. So what I expect of you is to plant trees and flowers around the school to provide clean environment and good atmosphere for your children,” the minister said.

Through Ambassador Sun, the minister thanked the Chinese government for their efforts in promoting education in Rwanda.

Bossa Rwemarika, the District Vice Mayor in charge of economic development said the school would reduce on the problems of the education sector in the district.

"I am sure this school will reduce on the distance covered by 600 children who have been commuting a distance of about five kilometers to school. The long distance will be reduced to at least three kilometers,” Rwemarika told the gathering.

According to Rwemarika, Gatsibo district has 25 secondary schools and 75 primary schools with 398 students in secondary schools and 1,194 in primary schools.

Rwemarika noted that the district’s five-year plan is to construct a science laboratory at each secondary school in the district, staff quarters and train both primary and secondary school teachers in different languages.
