Embrace broadband technology

The global Broadband Commission for Digital Development is calling on global leaders to embrace and promote broadband technology.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The global Broadband Commission for Digital Development is calling on global leaders to embrace and promote broadband technology.The Commission is co-chaired by President Paul Kagame and Mexico’s billionaire Carlos Slim Helu.During the Commission’s meeting in Macedonia, Monday, sights were set on the June UN summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro (Rio+20) as a perfect platform to mobilise government and business leaders to put broadband on the pinnacle of development agenda.From experience it has been proven that new technologies can transform small companies into big multinational in just a matter of time. This potential is even becoming more evident with nations and peoples from diverse backgrounds increasingly getting connected through the power of the Internet.Developing nations have numerous competing priorities, ranging from food security to youth employment. However, it has been proven that with investment in technology, countries are better placed to address their challenges.Faster, reliable and more affordable internet connectivity is an indispensable tool for accelerated economic development, as it helps unlock potentials and promotes innovations across the sectors.Access to broadband should not only be considered as an integral part of national development, but also a top priority for government the world over.