What I did at the science fair

“I did a water cycle project to show people the stages that water goes through and the results like evaporation, condensation, transpiration and above all how we get rain. Kenny Ntwali 9, P.4

Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Top row (L-R):Kenny Ntwali,Victor Shyake Kaberuka,Noah Masozera Cyeza, Sarah Rulisa Bottom row (L-R): Eunice Karinigufu,Daniella Umubyeyi,Armella Saro Ruganintwali,Briar Mutabaruka

"I did a water cycle project to show people the stages that water goes through and the results like evaporation, condensation, transpiration and above all how we get rain.”

Kenny Ntwali 9, P.4

"My experiment was on reflection because I personally was intrigued about it. It showed people what causes reflection and how a mirror brings out that reflection.”

Victor Shyake Kaberuka 10, P.5."I learnt about two groups of insects and the diseases they cause. I learnt that not all insects are dangerous to human beings because there are some that are helpful to man like bees. They produce honey.”

Noah Masozera Cyeza 8, P.3"With my electricity experiment, I learnt how electricity connections move faster and easier. I found out that electricity moves slower in the powder glucose than it does in tea leaves.”

Sarah Rulisa 10, P.6.

"Volcanic eruptions are due to hot magma that stems from the ground in volcanic areas due to increased heat. We used vinegar, baking powder and other chemicals to show them how a volcano erupts.”   

Eunice Karinigufu 9, P.4."I did an experiment on production in living things. I showed parents and other pupils the types of animals and plants in the world, and what they can and cannot produce.”

Daniella Umubyeyi 10, P.5."My experiment was on a very uncommon animal called the Guinea pig. I was more than thrilled to tell people how it feeds and what it feeds on.”

Armella Saro Ruganintwali 7, P.3.Many people think that to play football one must be on the pitch but with the help of magnet, you can play magnetic football which is played with the help of magnets and a board.”

Briar Mutabaruka 11, P.6.