Be careful when crossing the road

Respect is a very important virtue in everyday life. As children we are taught to respect our parents, teachers, elders, family and other people’s feelings and rights.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Respect is a very important virtue in everyday life. As children we are taught to respect our parents, teachers, elders, family and other people’s feelings and rights. Among other things kids must respect at all times is traffic laws. Cars are very dangerous machines that shouldn’t be played with. Crossing the road can be tricky for kids and that is why there are zebra crossings. A zebra crossing is a path across a road marked with black and white stripes where pedestrians cross easily. Used correctly, zebra crossings are convenient for both the motorist and the pedestrian.  If you want to cross the road and there’s no traffic officer or an adult to help you, follow these simple steps. Never try to cross where there is no zebra crossing. Wait for the traffic to slow down a bit and when it has, walk straight. Cars obey zebra crossings so they are the safest places to cross from. Mae sure you can see both directions clearly. Avoid crossing between parked cars. Remember to listen out for oncoming traffic. Do not run across the street because you might trip or fall. If the zebra crossing is quite a mile away, wait around for anyone crossing and ask them to help you. Never try to cross on your own where there is no zebra crossing.